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$100 VIP GALA *  7:00 PM - Until


Call Rome for Reservations 718-288-8048
Dress to Impress * Sponsor this Event!

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Some of the names who've agreed to perform in the ALL STAR Concert:

(Click each name for their info)


Banana Puddin' Jazz


The 10th Anniversary Banana Puddin' Jazz  Gala Benefit & Concert!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Become a BPJ Sponsor, make a contribution and show your love and and support for music I have been producing for ten years.....

 Yes it's my tenth anniversary of producing over 120 marvtastic evenings of jazz. Ten years of showcasing well over 500 talented individuals (free of charge) giving them name recognition in the press along with radio and TV exposure throughout the tri-state area and beyond. 

Over the ten years I have been extremely proud of the programming paying tributes to Living legends like Danny Mixon, Bob Cunningham, Bill Lee (Spike's dad),Katsuya Abe, Andy McCloud III and Cobi Narita ,.......  Nights of showcasing and celebrating Japanese jazz artists....  Also so many nights of celebrating women of jazz (not just during Women's History Month), along with special shows bringing together straight and OUT gays and lesbians celebrating LGBT greats in jazz.,,,,,  One of the tremendous talents performing in these shows over the years is Nhojj winner of four OUT MUSIC awards, RIGHT OUT TV award, and an OUT JAZZ FRESH FRUIT FESTIVAL (produced at Banana Puddin' Jazz), I  won two of these awards also for celebrating the works of LGBT greats in Jazz.

I am extremely proud of the young folks  who have been showcased as apart of the bpj experience and have gone on to do great things around the music like: NuSaiba Legacy Hoteop, Elijah Shiffer, Lauren Henderson and Autum Ashante. Jazzmeia Horn, Charles Turner.....

I've sacrificed and done a lot to keep the Banana Puddin' Jazz programming going for the past ten years and to maintain the  integrity of the music  I need your help!!!  I need your financial support!!! I need you to show your love of the work that I have laid down for those years by making a financial commitment as a token of your support.

My goal is to raise $35,000 to cover the cost of producing and programming these events over the next year.  Be a part of the Banana Puddin' Jazz experience "TODAY" and make the difference!

Click here for Sponsor page


$100 VIP EVENT *  7:00 PM - Until

Dinner, Award Ceremony, Acknowledements, All Star Concert


All Star Concert

Call Rome for Reservations

@ 718-288-8048

or Click here

Dress to Impress * Sponsor this Event!

Event Decor By SR Productions

*Catered by The Neal Meal

 Rome Neal's Banana Puddin' Jazz  


Cobi Narita, Sheryl Renee, Laurence Holder, Eric Frazier  John D. Smith,
Pure Jazz Magazine, Rustik Tavern, Malchijah Hats, Cal Suarti/Brenda Garcia,
Heights Bar & Lounge and YOU!!! Call Rome to become a BPJ Sponsor!

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